Speaker Training | Ready. Set. Speak!
31 Activities to Rev Up Your Speaking Career
Ready. Set. Speak! was designed to take you from where you are to where you want to be as a professional speaker. Developed for speakers of any level to take their next steps from what they only imagine to reaching their goals.
Creating a speaking career doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t happen because you are able to stand on a stage, make a great presentation, and hear the applause of the crowd. It happens when you ready through planning your steps; when you have set goals and do specific tasks; and, then take action to make it happen. Speakers are saying, "I love the idea of the activities!" and "I can't wait to work through it!" Ready. Set. Speak! has 31 activities designed to help you reset, refocus, and revitalize your goals with the completed activities being action plans to implementation. Rev up your speaking career now because it's time for you to get take your message to the world! "Super helpful and practical advice on getting your speaking career going or re-vamping it. READY. SET. SPEAK! has some wonderful and thought-provoking exercises to get you going on a solid, foundational, speakers platform" ~ B. Douglas, Speaker & Author 144 Pages | Paperback | Workbook